Everyone is always asking me for Fitness Standards. Here are some general fitness standards that I outline in my book Maximus Body. It doesn’t matter if you weigh 125 pounds or 250 pounds. If you can reach and maintain them all, you’re a person who can lift heavy and go for long durations—and can ultimately handle anything physical life throws at you.
These tests can also give you a sense of what skills you’re “good” at, and which you need to improve. If, for example, you find you can hit all of the strength standards but fail most cardio-based standards, make sure that your program favors more cardio over weight lifting.
Back squat: 2 times your body weight
Deadlift: 2.5 times your body weight
Front squat: 1.5 times your body weight
Overhead squat: 1.25 times your body weight
Bench press: your body weight for 10 reps
Power clean: 1.25 times your body weight
Turkish getup: half your body weight
60-second fan bike: 55 calories
500-meter Row: 1:30
500-meter SkiErg: 1:30 60-second fan bike: 55 calories
1,000-meter Row: 3:30
1,000-meter SkiErg: 3:30
2,000-meter row: 7:00
2,000-meter ski: 7:00
5,000-meter row: 18:30
5,000-meter ski: 18:30
1.5-mile Run: 8:45
60-minute row: 15,400 meters
60-minute ski: 15,400 meters
10K run: 50 minutes
Enjoy attaining all of these.